I haven't followed Madonna in years, as a matter of fact I dont owe a TV because I can't stand how everything there is either about sex or sex or sex! Perfume ads, shampoo ads, music videos of young baby barbie doll looking girls turn sexy business assets who can rock their thing and big boobs in a way and style that has been fashionably pre-conceived and set by men or women thinking only of money and nothing else. Its either all that crap or misleading stupid politics and horrifying things people are doing to each other and the planet...and gossiping about the rich and 'celebrity' who have nothing really useful to share. Gets really tiring the lack of balance and sensibility, and fairness and genuine truth. Madonna, although over the top, she gave me many hours of pleasure in my bedroom when i was only 7 or 8 yrs old😂 her music, rhythm, guts and her freedom of speech just moved my being! There is one thing I still admire in her a lot today (above all others, like her determination) , and that is her understanding that women should accept their feminine sexiness! That dressing sexy doesnt mean you fuck for money, even though (some) stupid men will see you in such a way! That although (some) women enjoy talking bad behind other women's back, it doesnt mean you have to stop feeling yourself, being yourself, enjoying your nature. Madonna has helped break concepts that were ingrained in my head from when i was very little, living in a society that prejudice women by the way they dress. So, I guess, in many ways...Thank you Madonna for your exagerated extravagant sexy displays, performances and liberating shocking words while at the same time being independent, creative and your own 'man'! If that is the appropriate way to put it??! O<3l
EletricatI'm an electric person. I follow my heart! Freedom is everything and sharing what I love is my mission! Archives
April 2020