Diary》My name is Thaissa Luna, aka Eletricat Girassol. Im 41 this year and been flowing through movement all my life, sharing my Axé(positive Energy) since i was 17 yrs old to people all over this planet, trying to promote the complete (mind~body~soul) electrifying experience. Its been my path, chosen with my heart, i accepted the gift from the Light. Today wednesday 22.4.2020 I delivered a very special online LIVE RITUAL on my facebook page Eletricat Luna Dancer where i openned up about my life, heart and beliefs. Welcome to my deep world where dark and light meet, balances and levitates. #feelingblessed #thankful for all the blessed star souls present with me in a journey of true consciousness. Thank you specially to my dancing butterflies, my daughters and also guides~Love you! Indian culture recognises dance as one of the highest offerings that can be given to god. Uniting the mind, body and spirit, devotional dancing is a connection to the divine presence that is all around us. Devotional dancing can be deeply liberating and healing. For those who have never tried, i offer you my live dance ritual and hope you will feel the Energy from my heart to yours. Amen, Amor & Axé! "May your dance become a living prayer to this world." ~ RUMI https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10163228246585114&id=843995113
OXUM ~ IANSÃDREAM 4.4.2020》I was in a magical park which was also the school of life. There are lots of trees everywhere. I see adults but there are more children everywhere running free and very happy. I see some kids sitting like on benches posing for a school photo. There is a tiny little skeleton surrounded in black colour, almost like a sticker to another side. The dimensions are odd, but anyway its a dream🤣 I pick it and place it in the middle in between the kids who all look happy and relaxed but are away from the skeleton. They stop for the picture. I am now in water, swirling flowing in beautiful motion, there is a waterfall, lots of water but its like an atrium, and im performing but its a spontaneous celebration, as is everyone around who are mostly seated or standing but who are very happy and celebrating too. My mum walks in the atrium with 2 friends. She has done something to her beautiful shinny black hair that is now sleek, a littly wavy and very long. She is peaceful and happy. I then see a capoeira group arrive to perform. I spot a beautiful dark brown woman who is about to play with the others from the group. I notice her strength, her aura, her energy is bright of a star, she leads and grabs everyone's attention even though she is not the capoeira master. Suddenly her eyes are looking into mine's, eye to eye and very close to mine's. They are green, brown and golden. She is very peaceful, comfortable, relaxed. She floats even though she is not in water. She is Oxum Iansã. I identify with her immidiately, she is me and i am her. The capoeira master says "Luna, você pode..." and without finishing the sentence i wake up.
\nBelow is my own drawing and paiting in an attemp to portray my dream. The other one is my daughter's Yara drawing of my dream. 😊 I haven't posted anything on m blog in a long time but this I dont want to forget. Its only been a month since we have moved to Fuerteventura and the days have been exciting, mesmerizing, enchanting, blessed with much sun, natural beauty, new ideas, and a relaxing pleasing vibe at the same time. This has been due to a combination of things and people which i wont mention here, but what happened to me about a week ago was one of the best things I have experienced. I have been trying to get things moving here, visiting fitness/ dance gyms, meeting people, sending cvs out through email to start sharing my passion..anyway, while going through my class at home I had a revelation. I usually really get into my movements, breathing, my body relaxes, connects, I move for at least an hour when im in that electrifying moment of mine...I quite often feel everything a lot stronger too, might feel like crying...I often go through stages actually, where Im first not thinking much just concentrating on which move comes next, looking around, absorbing what I see, feel...then I go through a fast creative and imaginative stage where my best ideas come together, fast like a cheetah! And its like pure positivity in like visual flashes. These ideas also come together perfectly, like putting together pieces of a puzzle only in fast motion and once im finished with the puzzle Im pure confident they will work and that is the way it is. Then finally I go through the stage where the is no more flow of anything, my mind is empty but feelings are heightened now, incredibly awesome and pleasing feelings, a trance in darkness, my eyes start wanting to roll back, and the eyelids almost shut. This is the stage where I then do my second half of my class on the floor, a flowing combinations of what I can only describe as fitness repetitions with yoga stretches (hate how words can never truly describe anything, you must really try and feel it to understand). Closer to the end of this last half, its more meditative, arms are flowing, eyes are shut, energy flows to the tips of my fingers...at the position where Im lying down my palms come together on my chest to say thanks, then arms go out pulling all the energy from around into and towards my body to bless all of it and heal it with my own energy. My tongue is touching the roof of my mouth, my eyes centered on my plexus/ 3rd eye. I then sat up, as always on the lotus sitting position, still eyes closed, focusing on my 3rd eye, put palms together at the back to ask for forgiveness. relaxed brought palms back together at the front to ask for thanks bringing the arms from out in inviting all the positive energy from around me to charge me, enrich me, electrify me, and at that moment I had an incredible image come to me. There in darkness I saw 2 eyes staring at me. I can still picture as if it had been now. Two dark eyes staring into me. Mysterious, but confident, cold and warm at the same time. Animal like but human somehow. I see myself into those eyes. They are me! But its not my body! The image distances a little, as I want to see who or what it is...and a little more reveals what I can clearly see was a trunk. The trunk of a magnificent grey black elephant. It was one of the most incredible split moments of my life. I have no idea why the elephant. I hadnt been looking at images of elephants and had been so focused on getting things moving here...but somehow felt perfect. Felt great! Felt right inside me! Elephant Mandala SymbolismMe han dicho que los primeros pensamientos del dia, los que vienen inconscientemente, naturalmente, antes mismo de abrir los hojos, son los mas creativos y esenciales. Esto me pasa a mi muchas veces. Hoy desperte con muchas palavras, sensaciones, pensamientos, como un cuento, fluyendo a traves de todo mi ser... aqui en mi blog intentare dejar ahora todo lo que me vino a las 8 y poca de la manana. Lo siento no escribir con los acentos, he traido mi ordenador de Escocia y es muy viejo por eso no los tiene. 14 de Octubre 2017. Un dia despues del viernes 13...Friday the 13th 2017. Otono humanoSi fueramos una hoja, que cae, rellena la tierra y renace bela otra vez, nada mas tendria sentido, solo la tierra, la agua, el aire, el sol y estrellas. Y asi como cada hoja es unica, importante y responsable por la fotosintesis, tambien es parte de un gran arbol conectado y vivo. Pero este arbol ya no es tan bela, pues ahora muere. Poco a poco cada hoja cae enferma, marron como en cada otono, contaminada. Su esencia ya he cambiado. Ahora debil, sin fuerzas... le cuesta viver. Nuestra vida ya no es vida. Nuestro ciclo ya no es natural. Nuestro objetivo ya no es la sintesis. Nuestro destino ya no es verde. Podemos aprender mucho de la naturaleza, pero estamos cada dia mas cerrados y atrapados en nuestro ciclo ficticional y artificial. Nosotros cada dia mas debil y sin fuerzas para redireccionar nuestro ciclo y cambiar nuestro destino. -o<3luna AMA Aqui Maya Ahora www.eletricat.com/ama Autumn humaneIf we were a leaf, that falls, replenishes the earth and is reborn beautiful again, nothing else would matter but the earth, water, air, sun and stars. And just like on a tree each leaf is unique, important and responsible for photosynthesis but at the same time part of one great tree, connected and alive. Only this tree is no longer beautiful now, since its dying. Little by little, each leaf sick, brown like every autumn, now contaminated, its essence has already changed. Each leaf weaker... it struggles to live.
Our life is no longer life. Our cycle is no longer natural. Our aim is no longer synthesis. Our destiny is no longer green. We can learn a lot from nature but each day we are more shut and trapped in our fictional and artificial cycle. So each day we grow weaker, with less energy to redirect our cycle and change our destiny. -o<3luna AMA Aqui Maya Ahora www.eletricat.com/ama TEXT BELOW by: https://misfitsandheroes.wordpress.com/tag/tanit/
Seated Woman with Lions, at least 10,000 years old Catalhoyuk, Anatolia, present-day Turkey Very little is known about the spiritual beliefs of the people from Catalhoyuk, but the figurine, one of many like it found at the site leads to some interesting possibilities. She is enormously fat, like the Venus figurines (See earlier post on the Venus Figurines) but she does not look like a victim. She sits on a throne flanked by lions, two symbols of power. James Melhart, who excavated the site in the 1950s and 60s, claimed this figure and many others like it found at the site, carved from marble, limestone, basalt, alabaster, and clay, represented an Earth Mother deity. However, Ian Hodder, who worked on the site in 2004 and 2005, claimed “in fact there is very little evidence of a mother goddess.” The map below shows the major settlements in the ancient Near East, including those mentioned in this post. (Map courtesy of Resources for History Teachers) Al-Uzza, Al-Jauza, Al-Jabar “What’s in a name?” Lots, as it turns out. The constellation we know as Orion the Hunter was known to ancient Arabic astronomers as al-Jauza, a feminine form meaning the Central One. In ancient illustrations of the constellation, al-Jauza is clearly a woman. However, the name later changed to al-Jabar, a masculine form meaning “The Giant.” When the Greeks named the constellation, it became Orion the Hunter. However, echoes of the past remain in the star names, including Betelgeuse (“Bet-al-Jauza,” translated as the armpit of the Central One, the hand of the Central One, or the house of the Central One, depending on which scholar’s work you’re reading). The ancient Arabic goddess called al-Uzza, meaning “The Mightiest One” or “The Strong,” was associated with both fertility and war. She was worshipped, along with Hubal (the chief of the gods) as well as Manat (goddess of fate) and Al-lat (goddess of the Underworld) at many important sites between Medina and Mecca, including the Kaaba, though all shrines, statues, and other evidence of their worship have been destroyed. Inanna, Queen of Heaven, Goddess of Love, War, Fertility, and Lust Sumeria – present day Iraq; main temple in Uruk, 6,000 years ago The most powerful Sumerian goddess was Inanna, who may have been borrowed from an even earlier mother goddess figure. But Inanna was no loving mother figure. Often pictured standing on the backs of two lionesses, she was associated with both sex and war. It was said she could stir up confusion and discord. According to one story, a bully who drank blood and ate the flesh of his victims terrified the residents of Uruk until one of Inanna’s men defeated him, hitting him with an axe. The villain then begged forgiveness of Inanna, promising to praise her and make offerings at her temple in Uruk. Her planet was Venus, the Morning and Evening Star, famous for its brilliant appearance in the western twilight sky, followed by its disappearance into the Underworld and reappearance in the eastern pre-dawn sky. Ishtar, Queen of the Night, Goddess of Love, Fertility, and War Akkad – center in city of Uruk, 4,300 years ago, Sumeria – Uruk, in present-day Iraq Assyria – Nineveh and Ashur, in present-day Iraq The Akkadian Empire absorbed almost all of the land drained by the Tigres and Euphrates Rivers about 4,300 years ago, putting both the Semites and Sumerians under Akkadian rule and enforcing the Akkadian language. After the fall of the empire 140 years later, two main groups emerged: Assyria in the north and Babylonia in the south. Ishtar was simply a later version of Inanna. She was an unpredictable goddess of love, fertility, sex, and war. She was incredibly powerful, capable of creating and destroying. While she was praised as the creator of the human race, provider of continuing sustenance, and giver of arts and culture, she also had quite a reputation as a cruel lover, often killing her partners. Like Inanna, she was associated with lions, often pictured standing on the backs of two lionesses. Venus, particularly as the Evening Star, was her planet. In the terra cotta plaque of her that is now located in the Louvre (pictured), she is also flanked by owls, an indication of her position as Queen of the Night. Her temple at Tell Bank in present-day Syria contained thousands of figurines of staring owls that were able to “see” justice. Both Inanna and Ishtar were often portrayed with horns on their heads representing the crescent moon. Astarte, Queen of Heaven, Goddess of Fertility, Sexuality, and War Phoenicia – centers in Tyre and Byblos, 3000 – 5000 years ago Sicily Cyprus Astarte is the Phoenician version of Ishtar. Since the Phoenicians were great sailors and traders, they spread the cult of Astarte throughout the eastern Mediterranean from the early Bronze Age to classical times, when the Greeks made her into Aphrodite and the Romans made her into Venus. While these goddesses kept her sexuality and capriciousness, they downplayed the warlike aspects of Astarte. Astarte’s symbols are the lion, horse, sphinx, and dove. The statue of the Lady of Galera in Spain (left) shows Astarte flanked by sphinxes. Her statue now housed in the Louvre (pictured) shows her naked except for her necklace and long earrings, with blazing eyes and a blazing navel. The crescent moon on her head looks like horns. In Phoenicia, she was sometimes portrayed leaning forward at the bow of a ship, becoming the original for the figureheads on many later boats. Astarte appears in Egypt as a warrior goddess, often conflated with the lion-headed goddess Sekmet and with Isis. She appears in the Bible as Ashtoreth, combining Astarte with bosheth (abomination), who is condemned as a female demon of lust. Sekhmet – Powerful One, The Destroyer, Lady of Terror, Eye of Ra, One Before Whom Evil Trembles, Lady of Life, Protector of Pharaohs Centers – Memphis and later Thebes, Ancient Egypt Depicted as a lioness or a woman with a lion’s head, Sekhmet (also Sekmet), daughter of the sun god Ra, was one of the oldest deities in the Egyptian pantheon. Nothing soft about this lady; her hot breath was said to create the desert. When Ra felt that humans had failed to live correctly, he sent Sekmet as his avenger. She killed so many people that Ra tried to stop her, but her blood-lust drove her to more killings. Finally, Ra poured thousands of gallons of pomegranate-stained beer in her path. Thinking it was blood, she drank it until she passed out and the killing stopped. In her honor, public drinking festivals were held each year, which might be one reason her cult lasted 3000 years. Since she was associated with lions, tame lions were often kept in her temples. Later on, Sekhmet’s image changed when she was merged with Hathor, particularly at the Temple to Sekhmet-Hathor at Kom-el-Hin. Hathor was the mother goddess, pictured as a sacred cow or a woman with cow’s horns on her head. Unlike the warlike Sekmet, Hathor was associated with joy, sex, music, dance, pregnancy, and birth. The combined figure was known as “Destroyer of Rebellion,” “Mighty One of Enchantment.” Tanit – Virginal Mother, Fertility Goddess, Goddess of War Center – Carthage, present-day Tunisia, on the Mediterranean coast across from Sicily Tanit was the Carthaginian version of Astarte, worshipped from Malta to Gades (Cadis) on the coast of Spain. She is usually pictured with a lion’s head. Many of these goddesses obviously share some characteristics. It’s easy to see the shared qualities of Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte, Sekmet, Ariadne (Crete), Neith (Lybia), Asherah (Hittite), and Anat (Assyria). In all of these, she shares heavenly titles such as Goddess of the Heavenly Upperworld, Lady of Heaven, Queen of Heaven, Ruler of Heavens, Shining One, and the Torch of Heaven. To recognize her fierce qualities, she was referred to as Goddess of War, Lady of Victory, Lady of Sorrows and Battles. She was also Goddess of Love and Goddess of the Evening. However, as the goddess morphed over time, her warlike qualities began to disappear. Ba’alat Gebal – Goddess of love, Goddess of Byblos Center – Byblos, Phoenicia, Temple built 4700 years ago As the Greeks made Astarte into Aphrodite, she became the love goddess, a physical beauty. The first century AD statue of Ba’alat Gebal now housed in the Louvre, shows the transition. The Phoenician goddess stands in a classical Greek pose. Her symbol is no longer the lion but the dove, included in her headdress, which also includes a sun disk, a symbol of the Egyptian goddess Isis. She retains two feathers in her headdress, reminiscent of Astarte. Hathor – Celestial Cow, Personification of the Milky Way, Lady of Stars, Mother of Mothers Isis – Nurturing mother, Patroness of Nature and Magic Hathor, the Celestial Cow, was an ancient Egyptian goddess probably morphed from Bat. She is shown early on as a full cow with a sun disk between her horns. Later, she appeared as a woman with a sun disk between cow horns (pictured, right). She was the patron of music, dance, and sexual delight, also associated with cosmetics and incense. In many ways, Isis absorbed the qualities of Hathor but added the dimension of loving wife and mother. As mother of the falcon-headed god Horus, she is often pictured holding or suckling the infant (pictured, left). The fierce goddess, the lady of terror, has gradually disappeared. With the rise of the Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the goddesses disappeared almost completely. The name Queen of Heaven was applied to Mary, the virginal mother of Jesus wearing a mantle of stars, often pictured holding or suckling the infant Jesus. In Mexico, Our Lady of Guadalupe continued the heritage of the Aztec Mother Earth goddess Tonantzin. However, the Reformation downplayed the role of Mary and outlawed statues of her or the saints as idolatry in Protestant churches. The sea is still referred to as female though the figurehead on boats has disappeared. The terms Mother Earth and Mother Nature survive though in most uses they engender none of their original respect. Many of the areas where the goddess cults once flourished now practice extensive discrimination against women that has become accepted as part of the culture. I miss the fierce goddesses. I wander through the local toy store, looking at endless rows of pink Barbies looking like so many perky prostitutes, and wonder what happened. The Eye in the HandPosted on January 3, 2012 by https://misfitsandheroes.wordpress.com/tag/tanit/ The Eye in the Hand It’s curious how the past inhabits the present. The Eye in the Hand is a good example. It’s currently found in corporate logos, music promotions, edgy fashion, and scary movies like Pan’s Labyrinth, but the history of the symbol is complicated and global. Perhaps the symbol works because it’s arresting. It combines two of our most powerful data receptors, but the two don’t belong together. It’s not possible to have an eye in a hand or to see through a hand, so the image conjures up something beyond normal life. In that sense, the Second Life logo, which features the eye in the hand, is very close to the historical roots of the symbol that is clearly connected to something beyond life. It’s hard to talk about the eye in the hand without also considering The Evil Eye. While the ancient artifacts that include the eye in the hand don’t necessarily invoke a protective charm against the evil eye, the current charms certainly do. Currently, people have two popular choices in charms to ward off the Evil Eye: The Evil Eye charm or the Hamsa Hand. The Evil Eye The blue glass eye, known (rather confusingly) as The Lucky Eye or The Evil Eye, promises to protect the bearer from negative energy such as resentment or envy as well as general misfortune such as accidents and disease. The concept of the Evil Eye, the belief that others have the power to curse you by giving you a malevolent stare, is widespread in the Middle East, Africa, India, Central America, North America, South Asia, and Europe, especially the Mediterranean area. Damage from an evil eye can include withering, sickness, even death. Even those who don’t believe in the Evil Eye may refer to the concept in sayings like “She gave me the evil eye,” or “If looks could kill, I’d be dead now.” Because the evil eye is generally thought to be blue, the charms that are meant to protect the bearer are usually blue as well. The Hamsa Hand The other popular protective talisman is the eye in the hand charm known as Hamsa (Arabic), Hamesh (Hebrew), Humsa (Hindu), Mano Ponderosa (Italian), or Helping Hand (hoodoo). In Jewish folk tradition, it is known as the Hand of Miriam (the sister of Moses). In some Muslim areas it is commonly called the Hand of Fatima (the daughter of Mohammed), despite Islam’s official ban on talismans. Some Catholic groups refer to it as the Hand of Mary (the mother of Jesus). Hamsa hands come in a very wide variety of forms, some very male, some very female, some with five fingers, some with three fingers and two very small appendages, some with barely differentiated fingers. Some have a very large eye; others replace the eye with a circle or star. Some include other symbols in the fingers and palm. Most point down but some point up. Origins There is great debate over the origin of the Eye in Hand. Some say it comes from The White Tara, the Hindu representation of motherly protection and generosity who is often pictured with eyes in her forehead, hands, and feet. In some images, she holds the lotus of compassion in one hand. Others connect the Hamsa to Hathor, the Egyptian Earth Mother, sometimes pictured as a woman wearing a red dress and a headdress of cow’s horns, other times as a cow with a sacred eye, other times as the Milky Way. The ancient Greeks morphed Hathor into Aphrodite; the Romans made her into Venus. The Phoenicians used the hand of Tanit, a powerful female sky goddess, to ward off evil. A fierce warrior, she was sometimes depicted with the head of a lion. Tanit’s equivalents include Astarte (West Semitic), Anat (Mesopotamian), and Inana (Sumerian), all powerful females associated with love, fertility, and war. The Female/Sky/Milky Way/Orion Connection Since we seem to have a female, heavenly connection with Hathor, Tanit, and others, it’s interesting to note the Arabic origin of the named stars Betelgeuse, Rigel, and Belatrix, all in the constellation Orion. Betelgeuse comes from yad al-jauza (mistranslated originally as bat al jauza) meaning “the hand of the Central One,” referring to a mysterious and powerful female entity who kneels in the night sky with the Milky Way at her shoulder(pictured). Rigel comes from the Arabic rijl al-jauza, meaning “the foot of the Central One.” Belatrix, another star in the constellation, means a fierce female warrior (which suited her character in the Harry Potter stories). The New World But the eye in hand symbol also has a New World history. If you look at the images associated with The Eye in Hand on your computer, you’ll come across several from pre-Columbian North America. The most famous is the engraved gorget (collar ornaments) from Moundville, Alabama, featuring a hand with an eye (pictured above). The hand is surrounded by two intertwined, knotted horned rattlesnakes. A similar piece, also from Moundville, includes the hand with the eye but leaves out the snakes and places the hand between a symbol of a cross inside concentric circles at the top and what looks like an earthen mound at the bottom (pictured). The two Moundville gorgets shown in the illustrations are quite similar. Both have concentric circles at the top and a link to the eye in hand. However, the illustration from Vernon James Knight’s book Archaeology of the Moundville Chiefdom, detailing the finds of the 1905 excavation of the area, has a slightly different design inside the circles and omits the mound at the bottom. Other pieces found in the southeastern US include the hand in the eye in different though related forms. Although the designs on the Mississippian gorgets look similar to the modern-day Hamsa Hands, there is no indication that the North American pieces had the same function. Actually, it’s hard to know how the symbol functioned for those who wore it. Between 500 and 1500 AD, the Mississippian culture included trade-linked settlements that ranged from Wisconsin to the Gulf of Mexico, but after the arrival of the Europeans, many of the Mississippian settlements failed due to disease and warfare, and the flat-top mounds typical of their cities were destroyed by the settlers. The Hand However, many anthropologists now believe that The Hand constellation, made up of the lower half of Orion, was considered a portal to the Otherworld in Southeastern US cosmology. (See “Mississippian and Maya cosmology: The Hand constellation and the Milky Way” at anthro-lingblogspot.com/2010/01mississippianandmayacosmology.) The stars that make up Orion’s belt formed the wrist (top) of the severed hand. The Lakota and other Plains Indians also saw a star grouping they called The Hand in the bottom half of what we call Orion. In researching some Mississippian sites, experts have suggested that marks on the palm of the hands symbolized points where the spirit may enter or leave the body. The Serpents The snakes in the Moundville pieces have been identified as tie snakes, horned serpents that play an important part in the oral history of tribes from the Great Lakes to the southeastern woodlands. These Great Serpents were powerful beings from the Underworld who were in constant battle with the forces of the Upperworld, usually represented by the Thunderers, falcon-men. The combination of these two opposite forces resulted in the winged, horned serpents that wheeled around the center of the world in the swastika, powering the motion of the world through the energy of their opposition. (See earlier entry “The Flight of the Eagle, The Power of Symbol.”) The Eye in the Hand According to the “Southeastern Ceremonial Complex” entry in Wikipedia, “The Hand and Eye Motif was common in Mississippian symbolism and may be related to the Ogee Motif, suggesting it represents a portal to the Otherworld.” The Road across the Sky For many ancient North American, Central American, and South American peoples, the Milky Way was the path the dead took to the Otherworld. The Maya saw the Milky Way as having four arms that spread out across the world. At the center of the Milky Way, the three hearthstones were placed at the moment of Creation. These three stones are part of the constellation we know as Orion and they became the portal through which the dead entered the Milky Way, the great river of stars that flows next to the hearthstones. The Apache believed that Yolkai Nalin, the feared goddess of death and the afterlife, controlled the path of souls after death. The road to the Otherworld that we call the Milky Way passed over her shoulders. So… If we put all of these parts together, it seems fairly defensible that we have a Moundbuilder piece that makes reference to a Hand constellation that serves as a portal to the Otherworld, the boundary between this life and the beginning of the next life. And it’s the logo for Second Life. Irony abounds. It’s impossible to tell how much of the symbolism of the New World continues, overlaps, or reflects that of the Old World. Perhaps the two developed along parallel lines without ever intersecting. Perhaps not. Certainly, the modern Hamsa charm, which is most popular around the Mediterranean, bears an eerie resemblance to the ancient Moundbuilder gorget. Even more interesting is the invocation of the very powerful female figure (Mary, Fatima, Miriam) for protection. It’s hard not to see parallels between them and The Central One who guards the portal to the Otherworld and bears the Path of the Dead on her shoulder. The irony is we will never know, yet we search. Incomplete, usually desiring what we cant have, creating what destroys us, speaking when silence is answer, reasoning when unconscious is key. Here we are alive, or so we think, only to die in the unknown ever changing loopy depth of it all.
o<3l ~ 5.10.2017 As Above So Below, No Soul Shall Go Unknown. To my friends out there, especially my dancing butterflies <3...sharing a little (or maybe more than a little?! LOL) I've been into healthy food and have had a really healthy lifestyle ever since I was born. My father was a strict vegetarian and when i was very little no sugar was allowed in our home and obviously no meet too, etc... He wanted us to try every single sport out there and I grew up listening to my dad say EVERY morning: "Drink your orange juice because it's full of vit C which is important for this and that... bla bla bla" ... pretty boring and tiring really specially for a kid, but hey! I have been into all that for quite some time now too :D I willingly chose to also become a vegetarian when I was a teenager at 13 yrs of age (I was mainly worried about the killing of animals though, I must admit)...then many many years on again (yes Im much older now at 38 ;) ) and I still love paying attention to what I put into and on my body! Although, since Im one of those people who search for balance (in the midst of chaos, quite a task really!! LOL), i don't like feeling like a freak stressing out about every little thing im buying and eating, so I just try to vary and keep it simple in every possible way. It's possible that its easier for me to follow a healthy lifestyle now, since I'm a very active person but also, ever since a teenager, I've had a very strong head. I NEVER EVER liked the taste of alcohol or drugs, and even fizzy drinks. I was never attracted by the smell, taste or desire to try it either and believe me I'm quite a defiant and adventurous person, but none of that ever appealed to me and the fact that everyone else liked it didn't bother me much either. I surely didn't want to do what everyone thought they had to just to be able to socialise or feel grand (top reasons why people try, get addicted and eventually start liking these things that wreck your body when a teenager). To inhale and exhale smoke or try things that changed my perception and feelings looked pretty twisted to tell the truth. Everyone needs to escape reality sometimes but there are other ways to do that and I have always loved laughing and feeling my body as it is naturally, plus my body & mind hates feeling addicted. Its like feeling trapped. The worst experience ever! So not only don't I ever drink fizzy, alcohol, or smoke/ take drugs but I I don't eat a lot of most things for too long either and sugary food simply make me feel sick so I just take it easy on that and try to find options to satisfy my body when it asks for a sugar rush, especially because I have a ridiculously fast metabolism! Therefore cereals, honey, dates, dried fruits, oil rich and sweet fruit & nuts for example, all help me get by my everyday! .., anyway, need to get to the point, I have spent a few years reading/ researching and posting my favourite and top best healthy tips/ recipes/ facts I've read online and in books on my page --->www.8utterflysecrets.weebly.com Its like a little bible for me now. Sometimes I go there when I forget about a fact or simply can't properly explain it to a friend or just to go over some of them again. Its also there and open to the public for anyone who likes it <3and by the way, your comments and healthy tips and healthy eating/ drinking/ homamade beauty adventures are also very welcome on my page! I will surely appreciate them! Recently I have started posting on my new blog page though-->www.eletricat.com/8utterflysecrets - as it's easier to post there regularly from my mobile... Im NO cook, but i realised long ago that this actually helped my body stay healthy, since simple is best!! So Im posting there my HEALTHY HOMEMADE SIMPLE eating and drinking adventures accompanied by some healthy facts too which I look up online + some fitness photos and tips on getting toned and natural homemade beauty recipes too. If you'd like to visit it, here is the LINK --> http://www.eletricat.com/8utterflysecrets/archives/04-2017 Life is Simple. Keep it Simple. Salud! <3 On Instagram @eletricat #8utterflysecrets #catsolar #dontmissaminute #eletricat #eletricatfreestyle(home dance videos) *** MY TOP HEALTHY TIPS*** ....to you my dancing butterflies flying all across the planet!
Lots of LOVE <3 ...always & Positive Energy! (Amor & Axe!) Eletricat Luna performing with Batucada Rio Valencia at Valencia's 1st Brazilian Carnaval Parade at Malvarosa Beach, February 2017.I haven't followed Madonna in years, as a matter of fact I dont owe a TV because I can't stand how everything there is either about sex or sex or sex! Perfume ads, shampoo ads, music videos of young baby barbie doll looking girls turn sexy business assets who can rock their thing and big boobs in a way and style that has been fashionably pre-conceived and set by men or women thinking only of money and nothing else. Its either all that crap or misleading stupid politics and horrifying things people are doing to each other and the planet...and gossiping about the rich and 'celebrity' who have nothing really useful to share. Gets really tiring the lack of balance and sensibility, and fairness and genuine truth. Madonna, although over the top, she gave me many hours of pleasure in my bedroom when i was only 7 or 8 yrs old😂 her music, rhythm, guts and her freedom of speech just moved my being! There is one thing I still admire in her a lot today (above all others, like her determination) , and that is her understanding that women should accept their feminine sexiness! That dressing sexy doesnt mean you fuck for money, even though (some) stupid men will see you in such a way! That although (some) women enjoy talking bad behind other women's back, it doesnt mean you have to stop feeling yourself, being yourself, enjoying your nature. Madonna has helped break concepts that were ingrained in my head from when i was very little, living in a society that prejudice women by the way they dress. So, I guess, in many ways...Thank you Madonna for your exagerated extravagant sexy displays, performances and liberating shocking words while at the same time being independent, creative and your own 'man'! If that is the appropriate way to put it??! O<3l RED SKY DANCER
Dakini vajrayogini in Tibetan mandala of the Naropa tradition. Compassion & emptiness...and spreading all that energy while levitating through dance on my eternal cycle of love and truth... o<3l Thank you my butterfly Holly Tara Knight. I still keep my card on my wall. Its the first thing i see when i open my eyes every morning. Come back visit us again anytime. Happy new year with much levitating and sharing to us all! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tara_(Buddhism) http://somathread.ning.com/…/b…/forum/red-dakini-vajrayogini https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vajrayogini Babylonian High-Mother-Goddess.
Like Inanna, she is the goddess of fertility, love and war. Her cult was the most important one in ancient Babylon and Ishtar became under various names the most important Goddess of the Near-East and Western Asia. Taken from: http://thesecretmoongarden.ning.com/group/goddessesandgods/forum/the-goddess-ishtar-the-lightbringer The origin of this babylonian-assyrian main goddess was as a moon goddess with lower influence, but when the tribes arrived at the land of the sumerian kingdom, her cult reached the sumerian capital Uruk. The sumerian people identified Ishtar easily with their own goddess Inanna. After some time Ishtar became in the second millenium the highest and widest worshipped goddess of the Babylonians. The myths of Inanna became the myths of Ishtar: Ishtars reign was not dependant on a male consort, she reigned absolute on her own and united in all aspects of her femininity. Her position in the Babylonian pantheon was the highest, but her family relations are a bit confusing: Ishtar was daughter of the moon goddess Ningal and her consort Nanna (akk. Sin), who were the Citygods of Uruk. In other traditions she appears to be the daughter of the sky god Anu, later she also became his wife. She was also the sister of the sun god Utu/Marduk and the underworld goddess Ereschkigal ("Mistress of the great under"). She appeared in person wearing a zodiac belt together with hunting dogs like Diana or riding on a lion, her holy animal. She was the Queen of heaven (Scharrat Schame) and the mother, who had born the world yet still remained a virgin. Her consort or husband was Tammuz ( sum.: Dumuzi), river god of Euphrates and Tigris, who was meanwhile also her son and her brother. When the world began, Tammuz (faithful son) came together with Ishtar in the world. She bore him, she made love with him and she remained a virgin. When Tammuz died in the summer and all vegetation died with him, Ishtar was looking for him all over the world. She finally found him in the underworld and brought him back to life (see Celtic believe). Tammuz was reborn and the vegetation could flourish again. Then the ritual-festival of the "Holy Marriage" was celebrated at the time of the autumn equinox, when in the Near-East the first rain fell again. For the assyrian people she was mainly a war goddess (Lioness of the battle), but also the love and the sexual life belonged to her realm of influence. Moreover she was the Goddess of justice and healing. Bigger than the mountains am I, The Empress of the gods am I The Queen of heaven am I The earth's mistress am I. (translation of an old Babylonian text) This Akkadian/Babylonian Great Goddess represents a later and more complex development of the Sumerian Innana, and her son/lover Tammuz plays the role of the vegetation-god. She is not only an embodiment of sexuality and fertility, a "Lady of Battle" and a goddess of healing, but it is also she who bestowed the ancient kings with the right to rule over her/their people. Her fame reached into the Hittite and Hurrian lands of Anatolia, to Sumeria, Egypt and to the Assyrians. Here especially - in Assyria and Egypt - she was revered as a goddess of Battle and is depicted with bow, quiver and sword; her prowess is symbolised by her lioness-steed. In other sacred texts Ishtar is described as having "sweet lips" and a "beautiful figure" and it is clear that she takes much pleasure in love. Significantly, when she descends to the Netherworld all sexual activity ceases everywhere on earth. In this aspect her familiar and symbolic animal is the dove. Ishtar was also thought to rule the menstrual/ovarian cycle. In the Old Testament her worship is regarded as an abomination, and it is Ishtar's worshipers and her ishtarishtu (sacred prostitutes) who were to be found even at the doors of the Hebrew god's great temple, much to the consternation of his priests and prophets. As well as being renowned for her powers of creation, divine rulership, prophesy and desire, Ishtar was also regarded as a healer and we know that her effigy once was transported all the way to Egypt in order to heal the then sick Amenhotep III. Praise of Ishtar Praise the goddess, the most awesome of the goddesses. Let one revere the mistress of the peoples, the greatest of the Igigi. Praise Ishtar, the most awesome of the goddesses. Let us revere the queen of women, the greatest of the Igigi. She is clothed in pleasure and love. She is laden with vitality, charm, and voluptuousness. Ishtar is clothed in pleasure and love. She is laden with vitality, charm, and voluptuousness. In lips she is sweet; life is in her mouth. At her appearance rejoicing becomes full. She is glorious; veils are thrown over her head. Her figure is beautiful; her eyes are brilliant. The goddess - with her there is counsel. The fate of everything she holds in her hand. At her glance there is created joy, Power, magnificence, the protecting deity and guardian spirit. She dwells in, she pays heed to compassion and friendliness. Besides, agreeableness she truly possesses. Be it slave, unattached girl, or mother, she preserves (her). One calls on her; among women one names her name. Who - to her greatness who can be equal? Strong, exalted, splendid are her decrees. Ishtar - to her greatness who can be equal? Strong, exalted, splendid are her decrees. She is sought after among the gods; extraordinary is her station. Respected is her word; it is supreme over them. Ishtar among the gods, extraordinary is her station. Respected is her word; it is supreme over them. She is their queen; they continually cause her commands to be executed. All of them bow down to her. They receive her light before her. Women and men indeed revere her. In their assembly her word is powerful; it is dominating. Before Anum their king she fully supports them. She rests in intelligence, cleverness, (and) wisdom. They take counsel together, she and her lord. Indeed they occupy the throne room together. In the divine chamber, the dwelling of joy, Before them the gods take their places. To their utterances their attention is turned. The king their favorite, beloved of their hearts, Magnificently offers to them his pure sacrifices. Ammiditana, as the pure offering of his hands, Brings before them fat oxen and gazelles. From Anum, her consort, she has been pleased to ask for him An enduring, a long life. Many years of living, to Ammiditana She has granted, Ishtar has decided to give. By her orders she has subjected to him The four world regions at his feet; And the total of all peoples She has decided to attach them to his yoke. (from an Akkadian hymn to Ishtar, translated by Ferris J. Stephens: Man, Myth and Magic. Vol.13.) It was written in the latter part of the First Dynasty of Babylon, approximately 1600 BC. DANCE!! ...because it's ALL about your BODY, your FEELING, your MIND and your SOUL! Is there a better way to connect and elevate than dancing to music & enjoying the positive Energy of everyone also present at that special moment? ..."Learning is movement from moment to moment" Krishna Murti.
Brazamba-Samba CLASSES next week! - Tue & Thu 6.30-8 pm @ Blackfriars, 48 Albion St. Merchant City (£7 or £10 for both) with Luna - VISIT: www.eletricat.com for online classes ONLY £5 p/ month! ~ Eletricat Luna's METHOD has a unifying holistic approach to Dance Fitness. Her exercise routines are designed to shape every woman's body. Classes blend mainly high energy Samba and Brazilian Dances with other Afro-Latin dances in a contemporary powerful and flowing style since 1997. Eletricat's own choreographies are the core part of her classes combining mainly Brazilian dances and Samba steps bringing about the best fun aerobic workout! Contrasting however, the ritual at the end of every class blends her localised fitness exercises with flowing Yoga stretches, belly dance and breathing exercises in a ritual that promotes the complete electrifying body experience! ~ www.brazamba.com/ [email protected] PHOTOGRAPH: Jasmin-Walsh-body-paint http://www.ilovebodyart.com/jasmin-walsh-body-painter-brasil/ Sucesso na vida (em qualquer area) e' fruto de muita motivacao, determinacao e assima de tudo precisao nas decisoes. Uma pessoa indecisa ira correr em circulos a vida inteira... ate mesmo no Amor.
backstage at the Eletricat Dance photoshoot with Helik Van Rosa a in the GORGEOUS Pollok Park today!
Ola everyone, I'll be DJing from 8.30pm this Friday night, followed by a fun Samba Class 10-11pm and finishing off with LOCA CLUB PARTY @ Arta Glasgow!! You can book a table including buffet + caipirinha drink + the class ALL for £15 ONLY this FRIDAY COMING! Don't miss this opportunity! 4 days to GO and only 40 tickets left! ~ For more info email [email protected] ~ BOOK HERE: https://www.itison.com/Glasgow/events/brazilian-carnival-arta--2
check the Road Section of the Daily Record TODAY for a picture of me advertising the West Coast RALLY 14 event to raise money for Cash for Kids!by the way, this Brazilian girl is actually simplifying samba very well, just like we do at my Eletricat Samba CLASS... BUT remember the focus is NOT on the knee bending leg (as she keeps mentioning on the video), but on that straight leg at the back where you MUST relax all your weight AND HIP! ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xo6qr1olfw Hope you like the NEW Eletricat Dance' WEBSITE LOOK!
EletricatI'm an electric person. I follow my heart! Freedom is everything and sharing what I love is my mission! Archives
April 2020