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Ola Eletricat, Thank you so much for making your videos available for those of us who unfortunately don't live near you :-( I wish you were here in Austin, TX, USA. There is a huge Brazilian community here and there is an annual Brazilian Carnival here which is really big (of course not like the real one in Brazil though). Is there any way I can persuade you to move here? ;-) Thank you again for your talents and sharing them! You so beautiful, talented and sexy - an absolute pleasure to behold! If you ever want to visit Austin, TX for vacation, to teach classes and experience the city, you are welcome to stay in my home free of charge and I will take very good care of you. You would be wildly popular here."
Monique Backer, Austin, TX, USA April 2003.
"Hello! I love the member videos. I am so excited to have come across your youtube videos and website, I love your style! Thanks!"
Natalia from Latina Dancer Nati, USA on June 2003.
"Gracias!! It's amazing! I can't wait for the other videos! Personally, I think 5 quid/month is totally fine! This is so much BETTER than the gym and other classes! I tried zumba last week and it was soooo boring! Thanks for doing this!!! I should try to spread the word in Germany...I'll show them your page and suggest that we follow your online class together!!!!! yay!" Flor Biblis, Germany March 2003.
"I have been watching your videos on youtube for a couple years now for inspiration. I love your dance style. I haven't been dancing in a while and I was looking to youtube for inspiration and I saw your subscription service. It's perfect to get me back motivated to dance so...Thank you for doing that!!!"
Angel, Florida, March 2003.
"Yesterday I was talking about you... I have never had a teacher like you!!! You are so energetic and funny! and your classes definitely are something else. I can really disconnect from everything! I wish I had started your classes before! I will definitely try your online classes and share it with my friends in Glasgow and Alicante... they'll love it!" Caterine Arribal, Glasgow March 2003.
Monique Backer, Austin, TX, USA April 2003.
"Hello! I love the member videos. I am so excited to have come across your youtube videos and website, I love your style! Thanks!"
Natalia from Latina Dancer Nati, USA on June 2003.
"Gracias!! It's amazing! I can't wait for the other videos! Personally, I think 5 quid/month is totally fine! This is so much BETTER than the gym and other classes! I tried zumba last week and it was soooo boring! Thanks for doing this!!! I should try to spread the word in Germany...I'll show them your page and suggest that we follow your online class together!!!!! yay!" Flor Biblis, Germany March 2003.
"I have been watching your videos on youtube for a couple years now for inspiration. I love your dance style. I haven't been dancing in a while and I was looking to youtube for inspiration and I saw your subscription service. It's perfect to get me back motivated to dance so...Thank you for doing that!!!"
Angel, Florida, March 2003.
"Yesterday I was talking about you... I have never had a teacher like you!!! You are so energetic and funny! and your classes definitely are something else. I can really disconnect from everything! I wish I had started your classes before! I will definitely try your online classes and share it with my friends in Glasgow and Alicante... they'll love it!" Caterine Arribal, Glasgow March 2003.